Read more about the article Divided we fail, in dialogue we create the future
Divided we fail, in dialogue we create the future 

Divided we fail, in dialogue we create the future

While we are facing climate change, geopolitical and military conflicts, and rapidly emerging technology such as AI - we're suffering from polarization and individualism. In this time of increasing challenges and uncertainty we need dialogue, joint solutions, and efforts - but that seems further away than ever before. Inside and outside of organizations. That worries me -…

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Prep your organization for 2030

Welcome to the new challenges: we are facing climate change, geopolitical and military conflicts, polarization, and rapidly emerging technology such as AI. People aren't great at change, but we have to respond fast and everything comes at once. How future-proof are your organization and organizational culture? Preparing for the future…

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Read more about the article Let’s prepare for a positive future
Let’s prepare for a positive future

Let’s prepare for a positive future

How was your year? I hope you can find some time for reflection after the rush of the holidays. What went well? What would you like to change? How can you prepare for an awesome new year? How can you prepare for the challenges that people and organizations face regarding…

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Read more about the article Make your organization future-fit
Make your organization future-fit

Make your organization future-fit

Yes, we know that climate change is happening. But we’re so busy…. Many of us, leaders and employees, are overwhelmed enough as it is. But if we keep doing what we’ve always been doing, we’ll keep repeating the same old story and produce the same results. Ecological and social challenges…

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Read more about the article How to shift to a healthy future?
How to shift to a healthy future?

How to shift to a healthy future?

Scientific research shows that climate change is going faster than anticipated due to our consumption and carbon emissions. How can we turn around before we reach an irreversible tipping point? Should we aim for degrowth? Should we hope for technological fixes? Let’s find out what Jason Hickel has to say…

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Read more about the article Is climate change a taboo in your culture?
Is climate change a taboo in your culture?

Is climate change a taboo in your culture?

The scientific research piles up that climate change is going faster than anticipated. The world population is growing and, thus, our consumption and carbon emissions. Even without population growth, a capitalist economy must keep growing to deliver a return on investment. How can we turn around before we reach an…

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Read more about the article Leaders as positive warriors for the future
Leaders as positive warriors for the future

Leaders as positive warriors for the future

Let’s look at a case about a positive executive team and their CEO, that can offer hope. If you are worried, anxious, angry, scared, or depressed about the current challenges and crises, read this. This company wants to become future-proof. They care about nature, social issues, and future generations. They…

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Read more about the article Work on a nonviolent, compassionate culture
Work on a nonviolent, compassionate culture

Work on a nonviolent, compassionate culture

What if your organizational culture was nonviolent, compassionate, and caring? You would like your work, share ideas and resources with co-workers, and probably do your best. You’d thrive. And so would the company, its results, and its contribution to the world. Here’s some inspiration from nonviolence and compassion research. How…

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Read more about the article What’s your organization’s positive purpose?
Positive purpose

What’s your organization’s positive purpose?

We need innovative, decisive, positive, learning organizations - now more than ever. A positive organizational culture helps to make your work better, more fun, faster, but also contributes to better ESG solutions for the world. Plus, you can achieve 20-40% more productivity and results. See my book “Developing a Positive…

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Sustainable development goals for positive organizations

Looking at our ecological, social, and governance challenges we need to change. We need a new narrative, a future-fit culture that is life-affirming and we need organizations with a positive purpose that solve our challenges. In this post, we look at your organization’s positive purpose. The UN Sustainable Development Goals…

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Read more about the article Can you change this story and culture?
Can you change this story and culture?

Can you change this story and culture?

Our global, economic, science-based culture and our societal and organizational cultures can help or hinder us to transition to a future where all can thrive. In my last post, we looked at the ABCDE layers of culture. Let’s explore level A today. What’s the narrative of our current culture that…

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